The IMS return codes are listed here alphabetically, you may browse through them or you may enter the code you are looking for and press th...
The IMS return codes are listed here alphabetically, you may browse through them or you may enter the code you are looking for and press the enter key to go directly to the error message.
Explanation: IMS ignored a CHNG or ISRT call because the response alternate PCB referenced in the call specified a transaction code as a destination. A response alternate PCB must have a logical terminal specified as its destination.
Programmer Response: Correct the CHNG or ISRT call.
Explanation: An I/O area is required as one of the parameters on this call and the call did not specify one. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
Programmer Response: Correct the call by including the address of an I/O area as one of the call parameters.
Explanation: For call-level programs: There is an error in an SSA for a DLET, a get, an ISRT, or a REPL call for one of these reasons:
· DL/I could not find a segment in the DB PCB specified in the call that has the segment name given in the SSA.
· The segment name is in the DB PCB, but the SSA specifying that segment name is not in its correct hierarchic sequence.
· The call specifies two SSAs for the same hierarchic level.
IMS also returns this status code when a STAT call has an invalid statistics function. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
For command-level programs: There is an error in one of WHERE or SEGMENT options on a get or ISRT command for one of these reasons:
· DL/I could not find a segment in the DB PCB specified in the segment name given in the SEGMENT option.
· The segment name is in the DB PCB, but the qualification for the command does not specify it in its correct hierarchic sequence.
· The command specifies two SEGMENT options for the same hierarchic level.
Programmer Response: Correct the segment name in the SSA or SEGMENT option or the statistics function in the STAT call.
Explanation: For call-level programs: Either the function parameter on the call is invalid or the function is not supported for the type of PCB specified in the call. Some possible reasons are:
· The function parameter is invalid.
· A system service call used a PCB that is not the I/O PCB.
· A message GU or GN call used an alternate PCB instead of the I/O PCB.
· A database call used a PCB that is not a DB PCB.
· A message GU used the I/O PCB without specifying IN=trancode in the BMP JCL.
· A SETS or ROLS call included the I/O area but omitted the token.
For command-level programs: A command was issued that is not supported in the environment; for example, a system service command in an online program. If the command is correct, some other possible causes are:
· Referencing a DB PCB on a system service command. System service commands must reference the I/O PCB.
· Referencing an I/O PCB for a database command, or not defining an I/O PCB before issuing system service commands.
Programmer Response: Be sure that the function specified is valid for the PCB specified by the request.
Explanation: GSAM detected a variable-length record whose length is invalid on a GU, GHU, GN, or GHN.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT call (load or add) that did not include any SSAs. ISRT calls require SSAs. If the program was issuing a GU call to a GSAM database, the GU did not specify an RSA. RSAs are required on GU calls to GSAM databases. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT call by including a qualification, or correct the GU call by adding an RSA to the call.
Explanation: A data management open error occurred. Some possible reasons are:
· There is an error in the DD statements.
· Neither DD statements nor DFSMDA dynamic allocation members were provided for this database.
· The data set OPEN request did not specify load mode, but the data set was empty. An empty data set requires the load option in the PCB.
· The buffer is too small to hold a record that was read at open time. See the storage estimates in IMS/ESA System Administration Guide for specification of the minimum buffer pool size.
· There were no DD statements or DFSMDA members supplied for logically-related databases.
· For an OSAM data set, the DSORG field of the OSAM DCB, DSCB, or JFCB does not specify PS or DA.
· For an old OSAM data set, the BUFL or BLKSIZE field in the DSCB is zero.
· The data set is being opened for load, and the processing option for one or more segments is other than L or LS.
· The allocation of the OSAM data set is invalid. The allocation is probably (1,,1) rather than (1,1) and this causes the DSORG to be P0.
· The processing option is L, the OSAM data set is old, and the DSCB LRECL and/or BLKSIZE does not match the DBD LRECL and/or BLKSIZE.
· Incorrect or missing information prevented IMS from determining the block size or the logical record length.
· A catalog was not available for accessing a VSAM database that was requested.
· OS could not perform an OPEN, but the I/O request is valid. Either the data definition information is incorrect, or information is missing.
· RACF was used to protect the OSAM data set and the control region has no update authorization.
If IMS returns message DFS0730I, you can determine the cause of the OPEN failure from this message in the job log. For more information, see the description of this message in IMS/ESA Messages and Codes.
Programmer Response: These kinds of problems often require the help of a system programmer or system administrator. But before you go to one of these specialists, there are some things you can do:
· Check the DD statements. Make sure that the ddname is the same as the name specified on the DATASET statement of the DBD. The segment name area in the DB PCB (call level), or in the DIB (command level) has the ddname of the data set that couldn't be opened.
· Check the PSB and make sure that the appropriate processing options have been specified for each of the DB PCBs that your program uses.
Explanation: For call-level programs: For calls such as SETS, ROLS, and INIT that provide parameters in the I/O area, the format of the parameters in the I/O area is invalid.
For database calls such as get, DLET, REPL, and ISRT that include SSAs, the format of one of the SSAs is invalid. The number in the segment level number field of the DB PCB is the level number of the SSA that is invalid. Some possible reasons for the invalid SSA format are:
· The SSA contains a command code that is invalid for that call.
· The relational operator in the qualification statement is invalid.
· A qualification statement is missing a right parenthesis or a Boolean connector.
· A DLET call has multiple or qualified SSAs.
· A REPL call has qualified SSAs.
· An ISRT call has the last SSA qualified.
· An ISRT call that inserts a logical child segment into an existing database includes the D command code. ISRT calls for logical child segments cannot be path calls.
· The RSA parameter on a GSAM call is invalid.
· The SSA used an R, S, Z, W, or M command code for a segment for which there are no subset pointers defined in the DBD.
· The subset command codes included in the SSA are in conflict; for example, if one SSA contained an S status code and a Z status code, Fast Path would return an AJ status code. S means to set the pointer to current position; Z means to set the pointer to zero. You could not use these status codes in one SSA.
· The pointer number following a subset pointer command code is invalid. Either you didn't include a number, or you included an invalid character. The number following the command code must be between 1 and 8, inclusive.
· The SSA included more than one R command code. An SSA may include only one R command code.
· The size specified for the SSA is too small. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
· In response to a SETS or ROLS call, the length of the I/O area is zero, the LL field is less than 4, or the ZZ field is not zero.
· In response to an INIT call, the format of the I/O area is incorrect.
For command-level programs: An ISRT command attempted to insert a logical child segment using a path command. ISRT commands for logical child segments cannot be path commands.
Programmer Response: If you receive this status code on a SETS, ROLS, or INIT request, correct the parameters provided in the I/O area.
If you receive this status code on a get, DLET, REPL, or ISRT request, correct the invalid portion of the SSA. If you receive this status code on a GSAM call, correct the RSA.
Explanation: For call-level programs: An SSA contains an invalid field name: the field name isn't defined in the DBD. The number in the segment level number field of the DB PCB is the level number of the SSA that contains the invalid name.
You can also receive this status code if the program is accessing a logical child through the logical parent. DL/I returns AK if the field specified in the qualification has been defined for the logical child segment, and it includes (at least partially) the portion of the logical child that contains the concatenated key of the logical parent.
When you are using field level sensitivity, a field you specified in the SSA has not been defined in the PSB. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
For command-level programs: A WHERE option contains an invalid field name. (The field name isn't defined in the DBD.) The number in the DIBSEGLV field of the DIB is the level number of the WHERE option that contains the invalid name.
Programmer Response: Correct the SSA or WHERE option.
Explanation: You get this status code if you:
1. Issue a message call in a batch program
2. Issue a ROLB, ROLS, or SETS request from a batch program under one of the following conditions:
o The system log is not on direct access storage.
o The system log is on direct access storage, but dynamic backout has not been specified using the BKO execution parameter.
Programmer Response: For cause 1, correct the program to not issue message calls in a batch program. For cause 2, either change the program or put the log on direct access storage with BKO specified on the execution parameter.
Explanation: The INQY call specifies an invalid function.
Programmer Response: Specify a valid subfunction. Valid INQY call subfunctions are DBQUERY, ENVIRON, or null (8 blanks).
Explanation: For call-level programs: The call function is not compatible with the processing option in the PCB, the segment sensitivity, the transaction-code definition, or the program type. The level number in the PCB is the level number of the SSA that is invalid. Some of the reasons you might get this status code are:
· If you issue a retrieval call with the D command code in a program that doesn't have the P processing option specified in the DB PCB that was used for the call.
· If you issue a DLET or ISRT call to a terminal-related dynamic MSDB from a program with no input LTERM present; for example, a batch-oriented BMP.
· If the subset pointer referenced in the SSA was not defined in the program's PSB. For example, if your program's PSB specifies that your program can use subset pointers 1 and 4, and your SSA referenced subset pointer 5, Fast Path would return an AM status code to your program.
· If your program tried to use an S, Z, W, or M command code for a subset pointer to which it was not pointer update sensitive, as defined in the program's PSB.
· If a BMP, a CICS online program, a CICS shared database program, or an MPP issues an ISRT call with the D command code when the program doesn't have the P processing option specified in the DB PCB that was referenced in the call. Batch programs do not need the P processing option to issue an ISRT call with the D command code--unless the program uses field level sensitivity.
· If the processing option is L and the program issued a call other than an ISRT call. Load programs can issue only ISRT calls.
· If a DLET, REPL, or ISRT call that references a DB PCB doesn't have the necessary processing option for that call. The minimum processing options for these calls are D for DLET; R for REPL; and I for ISRT.
· If you issue a DLET, REPL, or ISRT call for a segment to which the program isn't sensitive.
· If you issue a CHKP call on a GSAM/VSAM data set opened for output.
· If you issue a GSAM call with an invalid call function code.
· If you issue an ISRT or DLET call for the index target segment or a segment on which the index target is dependent in the physical database while using an alternate processing sequence.
· If you issue a path replace where the program does not have replace sensitivity, command code N is not specified, and the data for the segment is changed in the I/O area.
· If you issue a call to a GSAM dummy data set. Any call to a GSAM dummy data set is invalid.
· If GSAM could not obtain buffer space because the region size is too small. This is shown by the value X'1C' in the field GBCRTNCD.
· If you issue a DLET, ISRT, or REPL call from a program where the TRANSACT macro used at IMS system definition specified INQUIRY=YES for the input message.
After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
For command-level programs: The command is not compatible with the processing option in the PCB or segment sensitivity. The level number in the DIB is the level number of the qualification that is invalid. Some of the reasons you might get this status code are:
· If you issue a path retrieval command in a program that doesn't have the P processing option specified in the DB PCB that was used for the call.
· If the processing option is L and the program issued a command other than a LOAD command. Load programs can issue only LOAD commands.
· If you issue a DLET, REPL, or ISRT command that references a DB PCB that doesn't have the necessary processing option for that command. The minimum processing options for these calls are D for DLET; R for REPL; and I for ISRT.
· If you issue a DLET, REPL, or ISRT command for a segment to which the program isn't sensitive.
· If you issue a CHKP command if a GSAM/VSAM data set is open for output.
· If you issue a GSAM call with an invalid call function code.
· If you issue an ISRT or DLET command for the index target segment or a segment in the physical database on which the index target is dependent while using an alternate processing sequence.
· If you issue a path replace where the program does not have replace sensitivity, command code N is not specified, and the data for the segment is changed in the I/O area.
· If you issue a call to a GSAM dummy data set. Any call to a GSAM dummy data set is invalid.
Programmer Response: Correct the request, or make the necessary changes in the PCB.
Explanation: There is a BSAM, GSAM, VSAM, or OSAM physical I/O error. When issued from GSAM, this status code means that the error occurred when:
· A data set was accessed.
· The CLOSE SYNAD routine was entered. The error occurred when the last block of records was written prior to closing of the data set.
IMS does not return an AO status code for write errors with BISAM, VSAM, and OSAM.
If your program receives this status code after issuing a call, this call does not cause the database to be stopped.
Programmer Response: Determine whether the error occurred during input or output, and correct the problem. These problems usually require the help of a system programmer or system administrator.
Explanation: A message or CHKP call is invalid because more than 4 parameters (or 5 if parameter count is specified) are in a message call or a CHKP call issued in a transaction-oriented BMP. The following exceptions apply:
· A batch-oriented BMP can issue a CHKP call with more than 4 (or 5) parameters.
· One parameter after the I/O area parameter is allowed in order for the application program to specify a MOD name in an ISRT call. This parameter is counted towards the maximum of 4 (or 5) parameters.
Programmer Response: Correct the call.
Explanation: The length of the data in the program's I/O area is greater than the area reserved for it in the control region. The length of the area reserved is defined by the ACB utility program, DFSUACB0, and printed as part of its output.
Programmer Response: If the program is in error, correct the program. If the program is correct, a larger control region area can be reserved by specifying parameters on the PSBGEN statement of PSBGEN.
Explanation: The total length of the SSAs in the database call is greater than the area reserved for them in the control region. The length of the area reserved is defined by the ACB utility program, DFSUACB0, and printed as part of its output. After this status code is returned, your position in the database is unchanged.
Programmer Response: If the program is in error, correct the program. If the program is correct, increase the PSB SSA space defined in the PSBGEN.
Explanation: IMS ignored a message ISRT call because the logical terminal referenced by the response alternate PCB currently has more than one physical terminal assigned to it for input purposes.
Programmer Response: Ask the master terminal operator to determine (use /DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT LTERM x) which physical terminals (2 or more) refer to this logical terminal. Use the /ASSIGN command to correct the problem.
Explanation: IMS ignored a PURG or ISRT call in a conversational program. Some possible reasons are:
· Issuing a PURG call referencing the I/O PCB or an alternate response PCB. Conversational programs can issue PURG calls only when the PURG call references an alternate PCB that is not an alternate response PCB.
· Issuing a PURG call to send the SPA.
· Issuing an ISRT or a PURG call referencing an alternate PCB that is set for an invalid destination, or a destination that IMS can't determine.
· Issuing an ISRT call referencing an alternate PCB whose destination is a conversational transaction code when the first segment inserted isn't the SPA; or when IMS can't determine whether or not the SPA was the first segment inserted.
Programmer Response: Correct the PURG or ISRT call.
Explanation: You might get the A1 status for the following reasons:
· CHNG call against alternate response PCB when the application has not yet issued a GU.
· CHNG call where MSC routing exit returned return code 4 (use originating system id to route the message back to the original system), but the application has not yet issued a GU.
· CHNG call where MSC routing exit returned return code 8 (return A1 status code).
· The destination name supplied in the I/O area of a CHNG call is invalid.
· The destination name supplied in the I/O area of a CHNG call is valid (the destination is a program and the PCB is not an alternate response PCB), but the transaction is Fast Path exclusive.
· AUTH call parameter list contained an invalid generic CLASS name. No access checking was done.
Programmer Response: Correct the CHNG or AUTH call.
Explanation: The program issued a CHNG call against an invalid PCB. The PCB was invalid for one of these reasons:
· It was not an alternate PCB.
· It was an alternate PCB, but it wasn't modifiable.
· It was being used to process a message and had not completed processing it.
Programmer Response: Check the PCB that was used by the CHNG call and determine which PCB should have been used for the call.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT or PURG call that referenced a modifiable alternate PCB that did not have its destination set. IMS returns this status code to PURG calls only when the PURG call specified an I/O area as one of the parameters.
Programmer Response: Issue a CHNG call to set the destination of the modifiable alternate PCB, then reissue the ISRT or PURG call.
Explanation: A security violation was detected during processing of an AUTH call, a CHNG call, or a conversational response. Some of the reasons for this status code are:
· Transaction authorization is active and either RACF or a transaction authorization user exit returned a nonzero return code.
· The user is not authorized for access to the RESOURCE name in the class requested in the AUTH call. No 'installation data' is returned.
· No source CNT is available, which may be caused by the application not having issued a GU.
· A program-to-program message switch is being done. In this case, the applicable authorization LTERM is based on the original message, and this authorization does not allow this function to be performed.
Programmer Response: Check the transaction code to make sure it was entered correctly. If it was, check with the person who handles security at your installation.
Explanation: An ISRT or PURG call supplied an invalid parameter list. The call supplied the fourth parameter (the MOD name) but the ISRT or PURG being issued was not for the first segment of an output message.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT or PURG call.
Explanation: For a message processing program (MPP or BMP), IMS ignored a message ISRT call because the length of the message segment being inserted exceeds the size specified in the SEGSIZE keyword of the TRANSACT macro. For a Fast Path program (IFP), the length of the output message to a Fast Path terminal exceeds the size specified in the FPBUF parm of the TERMINAL macro.
Programmer Response: Correct the output message segment.
Explanation: IMS ignored a message ISRT call because the number of message segments inserted exceeds the number specified in the SEGNO keyword of the TRANSACT macro.
Programmer Response: Check the output messages and correct them.
Explanation: IMS ignored an ISRT call because:
· An ISRT call to a response alternate PCB must not follow an ISRT call to the I/O PCB.
· An ISRT call to the I/O PCB must not follow an ISRT call to a response alternate PCB.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT call.
Explanation: IMS ignored the ISRT call because:
· The ISRT call referenced an alternate response PCB defined as SAMETRM=YES, but the PCB represented a logical terminal that isn't part of the originating physical terminal. An alternate response PCB defined as SAMETRM=YES must represent the same physical terminal as the physical terminal associated with the originating logical terminal.
· The originating terminal is in response mode and the response alternate PCB is not associated with that logical terminal.
IMS does not return this status code if the program makes either of these errors while communicating with a terminal in a remote IMS system through MSC.
Programmer Response: Determine whether the application program is in error, the output logical terminal has been incorrectly reassigned (using the /ASSIGN command), or if SAMETRM=YES should not have been specified for the response alternate PCB.
Explanation: The request was not completed because it required access to unavailable data.
Only the updates done for the current request, prior to the time it encountered the unavailable data, are backed out. The state of the database is as it was before the failing request was issued. If the request was REPL or DLET, the PCB position was unchanged. If the request was a get type or ISRT request, the PCB position is unpredictable.
For a DEDB, this status code may be returned if no updates have been made since the last commit point. If updates have been made since the last commit, a BB status code is returned instead.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: Same as BA except all database updates that the program made since the last commit point are backed out, and all nonexpress messages sent since the last commit point are cancelled. The PCB position for all PCBs is at the start of the database.
For a DEDB, this status code may be returned if updates have been made since the last commit point.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The response from an INIT STATUS GROUPB call was not completed because it required access to unavailable data.
All database resources to the last commit point are backed out, with the exception of GSAM and DB2. All output messages are backed out to the last commit point. Input messages are requeued.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: All of the databases in the PSB are unavailable, or there are no database PCBs in the PSB.
Each PCB (excluding GSAM) received an NA status code as the result of the INQY DBQUERY call.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: At least one of the databases included in the PSB is unavailable or has limited availability.
At least one PCB received an NA or NU status code as the result of processing the INQY DBQUERY call.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The program issued a CMD call with an invalid command verb, or the command verb does not apply to the IMS system that the program's running in. IMS does not return any command responses.
Programmer Response: Correct the command in the CMD call.
Explanation: The command entered in the CMD call is not allowed from an AOI program. IMS does not return any command responses.
Programmer Response: Correct the command. For a list of the commands that an AOI program can issue, see "Automated Operator Programming," in IMS/ESA Customization Guide: Data Communication.
Explanation: IMS has executed the command and returned one or more command responses.
Programmer Response: Your program should issue GCMD calls as necessary to retrieve the responses.
Explanation: The command that was entered on the CMD call violates security, or the application program isn't authorized to issue CMD calls. IMS does not execute the command or return any command responses.
Programmer Response: Correct the command. If necessary, check with the person in charge of security at your installation to find out why your program is restricted from using that command.
Explanation: IMS rescheduled the message that this GU call retrieved since the last CMD call. The program had not reached a commit point when the message was rescheduled.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: This status code can be returned only to programs that are authorized to issue AOI commands (CMD calls). The message being returned on the GU call was received by IMS before the start of this IMS execution. CF can be received on a CHKP call whan an I/O area is specified for an MPP or message-oriented BMP. This occurs when a CHKP call issues an internal GU call.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The message retrieved by this GU originated from an AOI user exit.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: IMS ignored the CMD call just issued because the AOI command interface detected a system error and was unable to process the command. IMS processing continues.
Programmer Response: Reissue the command.
Explanation: CI is a combination of CE and CF. The message retrieved by this GU was scheduled for transmission before IMS was last started. The message was rescheduled, but the program hadn't reached a commit point.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: CJ is a combination of CE and CG. The message retrieved by this GU was scheduled for transmission before IMS was last started. The message originated from an AOI user exit.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: CK is a combination of CF and CG. The message retrieved with this GU originated from an AOI user exit. The message was scheduled for transmission before IMS was last started.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: CL is a combination of CE, CF, and CG. Please see the explanations of those codes.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The command that was entered on the CMD call has been executed and completed, but resulted in an exception response that could not be built because of an insufficient amount of general work area (WKAP).
Programmer Response: Increase WKAP if you want retrieval of the response.
Explanation: The PSBIOASZ is defined for less than the minimum required for CMD calls (132 bytes).
Programmer Response: Redefine PSBIOASZ for 132 bytes.
Explanation: The program issued a DLET or REPL that tried to modify the key field in the segment or, when using field level sensitivity, a REPL call tried to modify a field that had REPL=NO specified on the SENFLD STMT in the PSB. You cannot change a segment's key field.
Programmer Response: Correct the request.
Explanation: The program issued a DLET or REPL call that was rejected because the segment was not currently in hold status. Some possible reasons for this status code are:
· The segment had not been previously retrieved with a get hold call.
· The segment was already deleted using this PCB. After one get hold call, multiple REPL calls or a DLET call following a REPL call are valid but multiple DLET calls are not. valid but multiple DLET calls are not.
· The segment was obtained using a secondary index as the processing sequence. A subsequent DLET or REPL call using either this PCB or another PCB within the PSB caused the current secondary index entry for this PCB to be deleted.
· A checkpoint call was issued following the get hold call and preceding the REPL or DLET call.
Programmer Response: Correct the program so that the segment is in hold status when a DLET or REPL is issued.
Explanation: The program issued a DLET that violates the delete rule for that segment.
Programmer Response: Check the program to see whether or not the program should delete that segment; if it should, check with your DBA (or the equivalent specialist at your installation) to find out what delete rule has been specified for that segment.
Explanation: IMS returns this status code when the program reaches a commit point and an arithmetic overflow in an MSDB has occurred during that commit interval (since the last commit point, or, if the program had not reached a commit point, since the program began processing). You can receive this status code on a SYNC call, a CHKP call, or a GU call to the message queue, depending on your program. The overflow occurred after the program issued a FLD/CHANGE call or a REPL call for the MSDB. When this happens, IMS issues an internal ROLB call to eliminate the changes that the program has made since the last commit point. All database positioning is lost.
Programmer Response: Reprocess the transaction.
Explanation: The program issued a request that is not valid for the segment type.
Programmer Response: Correct the request.
Explanation: A nonmessage driven BMP reached a deadlock when IMS tried to get DEDB or MSDB resources (either DEDB UOWs or overflow latches) for the program. Or, a mixed mode BMP reached a deadlock on any resource, either Fast Path or full function. IMS eliminates all database updates that the program has made since the last SYNC call, CHKP request, or SYMCHKP command (or since the program started processing, if the program hasn't issued a SYNC call or CHKP request). All database positioning is lost, unless you specified the P processing option in the PCB.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: Start processing from the last commit point. If you reach a deadlock again (and you usually won't), terminate the program.
Explanation: IMS returns this status code anytime a program issues a FLD call that receives a nonblank status code in the FSA.
Programmer Response: See "Fast Path Data Areas" in IMS/ESA Application Programming: DL/I Calls for an explanation of FSA status codes and correct the FLD call.
Explanation: A program issued an ISRT (add) call against an MSDB that has no free space. If IMS determines that there is no free space when the program issues the ISRT call, the program receives the FF status code for that call. IMS may not determine this until the program reaches the next commit point. In this case, IMS returns FF when the program issues a GU call to the message queue, a SYNC call, or a CHKP call, depending on which call caused the commit point.
Programmer Response: To avoid this situation, you can specify more space for the MSDB at the next system start (cold start or normal restart).
Explanation: FG is a combination of FE and FW. A batch-oriented BMP issued a FLD call that received a nonblank status code in the FSA, and the program has used up its normal buffer allocation.
Programmer Response: Check the FSA status code and correct the FLD call, then issue SYNC or CHKP calls in the program more frequently. One way to handle this status code is to branch to an error routine that causes the program to issue SYNC or CHKP calls more frequently when it receives this status code.
Explanation: A DEDB area was inaccessible to the requested service when the program issued a database request or when the program reached a commit point.
If IMS returns this status code on a call that caused a commit point to occur (a SYNC call, a message GU, a CHKP request, or SYMCHKP command), IMS issues an internal ROLB call to eliminate the program's database updates and message output created since the last commit point.
If your program is accessing a DEDB in a data sharing environment, and if the authorization fails when your program issues its first DL/I call to the DEDB, Fast Path returned this status code. Fast Path also notified the master terminal operator of the authorization failure. Your position in the database is before the first root in the next area. A GN will get the next available record (unless that one is also inaccessible).
Note: If a program has access to an area through a PCB with PROCOPT=H and another PCB without PROCOPT=H, it is possible that only calls to the PCB with PROCOPT=H will receive the FH status code. This is because the area is accessible to IMS, but the required HSSP (high-speed sequential processing) setup could not be established. Message DFS0533A explains the reason for this occurrence and is sent to the job log. This status code is also returned if the PROCOPT for one PCB is more restrictive than the PROCOPT of a different PCB in the same PSB. Position is set to the beginning of the next accessible area.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: If the data in the area is important, contact the DBA. If the data in the area is unimportant, the program should roll back the changes. Your program can continue processing with the next available area.
If the status code is related to an HSSP setup problem, fix the error as described in the message DFS0533A in the job log.
Explanation: The program's I/O area is not at a storage address that the program can access.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: The application issued a request for which the randomizer returned a return code of 4.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: The database position has not changed. The application program must determine subsequent processing.
Explanation: The program issued a FLD call that contains a field name in the FSA that is not defined in the DBD. IMS doesn't continue processing the FLD call or any of the FSAs in the FLD call. IMS returns an FN status code in this situation even if an earlier FSA in the same FLD call earned an FE status code.
Programmer Response: Issue a ROLB call to remove the effects of the incorrect FLD call and correct the FLD call.
Explanation: The I/O area referenced by a REPL, ISRT or FLD/CHANGE call to an MSDB contains an invalid packed decimal or hexadecimal field.
Programmer Response: Correct the data in the I/O area.
Explanation: One of the following situations exists:
· A batch-oriented BMP issued a database request that forced the system to go beyond the buffer limit specified for the region.
· A batch-oriented BMP received a GC status code in a PCB with PROCOPT=H. Another commit process was required before using the PCB again.
IMS eliminates all database changes made by the program since the last SYNC call, CHKP request, or SYMCHKP command the program issued (or since the program started processing if the program hasn't issued any SYNC calls, CHKP requests, or SYMCHKP commands.) All database positions for PCBs not referring to a DEDB with PROCOPT=P or H active are lost. If the PCB referred to a DEDB with PROCOPT=P or H active, the position is set to the position valid after the last commit process, or the start of the valid range if there was no commit process.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: Either terminate the program and restart it with a larger buffer allocation, or provide a routine that causes frequent commit points. If PROCOPT=H is used, make sure that a commit point is requested after a GC code has been returned.
Explanation: For a root segment or direct dependent segment, this status code is returned only to BMPs. For a sequential dependent segment, this status code can be returned to either a BMP or a message-driven program:
· A BMP issued an ISRT request for a root segment, a direct dependent segment, or a sequential dependent segment, but IMS could not get enough space in either the root addressable or sequential dependent part of the DEDB area to insert the new segment:
If IMS returns this status code on an ISRT request for a root segment, a direct dependent segment, or a sequential dependent segment, the problem is with the root addressable portion of the area, the independent overflow area, or the sequential dependent area.
If IMS returns this status code when the program issues a SYNC call, CHKP request, or SYMCHKP command, the problem is with the sequential dependent part of the area.
In either case, IMS eliminates all of the database changes the program has made since the last commit point (or since the program started processing, if the program hasn't reached a commit point).
If IMS returns this status code on an ISRT request for a root segment, a direct dependent segment, or a sequential dependent segment, the problem is with the root addressable portion of the area, the independent overflow area, or the sequential dependent area.
If IMS returns this status code when the program issues a SYNC call, CHKP request, or SYMCHKP command, the problem is with the sequential dependent part of the area.
In either case, IMS eliminates all of the database changes the program has made since the last commit point (or since the program started processing, if the program hasn't reached a commit point).
· A message-driven program issued an ISRT request for a sequential dependent segment, and the sequential dependent part is full.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: Continue with other processing, and report the problem to the system programmer.
Explanation: The Fast Path program issued a call to a Fast Path database that included too many SSAs. A call to a DEDB may include up to 15 SSAs. A call to an MSDB may include 1 SSA.
Programmer Response: Correct the call.
Explanation: At least one of the verify operations in a FLD call issued in a batch-oriented BMP failed when the program reached a commit point. IMS eliminates the database updates the program has made since it issued the last SYNC or CHKP call (or if the program hasn't issued a SYNC or CHKP call, since the program started processing). All database positioning is lost.
Programmer Response: Reprocess the transaction or terminate the program.
Explanation: A BMP has used all buffers that are allocated for normal use, or all buffers have been modified. IMS returns this status code to warn you that you may be running out of buffer space. An FR status code may be imminent.
If you have been processing a DEDB, you get FW for requests that change data.
If you have been processing a MSDB, you get FW for all calls that change data and for GH calls.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: You can supply an error-handling routine, triggered by the FW status code, that will cause your program to issue SYNC calls, CHKP requests, or SYMCHKP commands as soon as an FW status code is returned to your program. This reduces the total buffer requirement. To avoid receiving the FW status code, issue SYNC or CHKP calls more frequently.
Explanation: In trying to satisfy an unqualified GN or GNP, IMS crossed a hierarchic boundary into a higher level.
If IMS returns GA after a STAT request, it means that the request just issued retrieved the total statistics for all the VSAM buffer subpools.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: This status code is an information-only status code. What you do next depends on your program.
Explanation: In trying to satisfy a GN, DL/I reached the end of the database or, if you used a SETR statement, the end of the current range. In this situation, the SSA for the call or qualification for the command specified data beyond the last occurrence, and the search was not limited to the presence of a known or expected segment occurrence.
For example, a GN was specified for a key greater than a particular value, rather than a GU specifying a key value beyond the highest value.
A GB status code can be returned for:
· An unqualified GN call.
· A qualified GN call without a maximum key (if no data is returned to the I/O area).
In contrast, a GE status code, instead of a GB status code, can be returned for:
· A GU call.
· A qualified GN call without a maximum key (if data is returned to the I/O area).
· A qualified GN call with a maximum key.
IMS also returns this status code when it has closed a GSAM data set. The assumed position for a subsequent request for a GSAM or full-function database is the beginning of the database, or if a SETR statement was used for a DEDB database, the beginning of the current range.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: User determined.
Explanation: An attempt was made to cross a unit-of-work (UOW) boundary. For a batch-oriented BMP PCB with PROCOPT=H or PROCOPT=P, there was at least one call on the referenced PCB that changed position in the database since the last commit process or after the program began executing. IMS did not retrieve or insert a segment. Position is before the first segment of the following UOW.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: User determined. However, if the GC status code results from a call that referred to a PCB with PROCOPT=H, the program has to cause a commit process before any other call can be done to that PCB. Failure to do so results in an FR status code.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT that was not qualified for all levels above the level of the segment being inserted. For at least one of the levels for which no qualification was specified, a prior request using this PCB established valid position on a segment. That position is no longer valid for one of these reasons:
· The segment has been deleted by a DLET using a different DB PCB.
· The segment was retrieved using an alternate processing sequence, and a REPL or DLET for this DB PCB caused the index for the existing position to be deleted.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: User-determined.
Explanation: For call-level programs: IMS returns this status code when:
· DL/I is unable to find a segment that satisfies the segment search argument described in a get call.
· For an ISRT call, DL/I can't find one of the parents of the segment being inserted.
· For an ISRT call, DL/I was requested to insert a root segment outside of the accessible range determined by a SETR statement.
· The program issued a STAT call for OSAM buffer pool statistics, but the buffer pool doesn't exist.
· The program issued a STAT call for VSAM buffer subpool statistics, but the subpools don't exist.
· A nonmessage driven BMP issued an FLD call to an MSDB segment. After the FLD call but before a commit point, the MSDB segment was deleted. GE can be returned for this reason after either a SYNC or a CHKP call.
For command-level programs:
· DL/I is unable to find a segment that satisfies the segment described in a get command.
· For an ISRT command, DL/I can't find one of the parents of the segment you're inserting.
· The program issued a STAT command for ISAM/OSAM buffer pool statistics, but the buffer pool doesn't exist.
· The program issued a STAT command for VSAM buffer subpool statistics, but the subpools don't exist.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: The action you take depends on your program.
Note: When a GNP call for a DEDB sequential dependent segment results in a GE status code, the I/O area contains a length indication of 10 bytes and the original position of the deleted portion of the sequential dependent part. Position is at the end of the sequential dependent chain.
For call-level programs: DL/I returns this status code if the segment being retrieved contains an invalid pointer and the application program has a processing option of GOT or GON. (Processing options are explained under PROCOPT in the discussion of program specification block generation in IMS/ESA Utilities Reference.) This can occur when update activity in the database is going on concurrently with your program's processing. The PCB key feedback length and area will be based on the last segment that satisfied the call. Your position is at the beginning of the database.
For call-level programs: DL/I returns this status code if the segment being retrieved contains an invalid pointer and the application program has a processing option of GOT or GON. (Processing options are explained under PROCOPT in the discussion of program specification block generation in IMS/ESA Utilities Reference.) This can occur when update activity in the database is going on concurrently with your program's processing. The PCB key feedback length and area will be based on the last segment that satisfied the call. Your position is at the beginning of the database.
For command-level programs: DL/I returns this status code if the segment being retrieved contains an invalid pointer and the application program has a processing option of GON or GOT. (Processing options are explained under PROCOPT in the discussion of program specification block generation in IMS/ESA Utilities Reference.) This can occur when update activity in the database is going on concurrently with your program's processing. If your request specified KEYFEEDBACK, the DIBKFBL will contain the length of the key of the last segment that satisfied the command. Your position is at the beginning of the database.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: Continue processing with another segment or terminate the program. The request that resulted in the GG status code may be successful if you issue it again.
Explanation: DL/I has returned a different segment type at the same hierarchic level for an unqualified GN or GNP.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The program issued a LOG request that contained an invalid log code for user log records. The log code in a LOG request must be equal to or greater than X'A0'.
DL/I returns GL on a DEQ request when the first byte of the I/O area referenced in the request did not contain a valid DEQ class (A-J).
Programmer Response: Correct the log code, which is the first byte of the log message. If the program received this status code for a DEQ request, check the DEQ class code in the I/O area.
Explanation: The program issued a GNP when there is no parentage established, or the segment level specified in the GNP is not lower than the level of the established parent.
Programmer Response: Make sure you have established parentage before issuing GNP, and check the segment level specified by the GNP.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT that tried to insert a segment that already exists in the database. Current position after an II status code is just before the duplicate of the segment you tried to insert. Some of the reasons for receiving this status code are:
· A segment with an equal physical twin sequence field already exists for the parent.
· A segment with an equal logical twin sequence already exists for the parent.
· The logical parent has a logical child pointer, the logical child doesn't have a logical twin pointer, and the segment being inserted is the second logical child for that logical parent.
· The segment type doesn't have physical twin forward pointers and the segment being inserted is the second segment of this type for that parent, or it is the second HDAM root for one anchor point.
· The segment being inserted is in an inverted structure. (The immediate parent of this segment in the logical structure is actually its physical child in the physical structure.)
· A physically-paired logical child segment already exists with a sequence field equal to that of the segment you're inserting. For example, the segment could have been inserted with no duplication but when an attempt was made to position for the insert of its physical pair, it was found to have a duplicate key to an existing twin segment.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: User determined.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT that violated the insert rule for that segment. Some of the reasons that IMS returns this status code are:
· The program tried to insert the logical child and logical parent, and the insert rule for the logical parent is physical and the logical parent does not exist.
· The program tried to insert the logical child and the logical parent, and the insert rule is logical or virtual and the logical parent doesn't exist. In the I/O area, the key of the logical parent doesn't match the corresponding key in the concatenated key in the logical child.
· The program tried to insert a logical child, and the insert rule of the logical parent is virtual and the logical parent exists. In the I/O area, the key in the logical parent segment doesn't match the corresponding key in the concatenated key in the logical child.
· The program tried to insert a physically paired segment, where both sides of the physical pair are the same segment type and the physical and logical parent are the same occurrence.
· The program issued an ISRT to a GSAM database after receiving an AI or AO status code.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT, or the program.
Explanation: The segment that the program tried to load already exists in the database. Other possible causes are:
· A segment with an equal physical twin sequence field already exists for the parent.
· A segment type doesn't have a physical twin forward pointer, and the segment being inserted is either the second segment of this segment type for the parent or the second HDAM root for one anchor point.
· An application program inserted a key of X'FF...FF' into a HISAM or HIDAM database.
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT call or LOAD command, or find out if the load sequence is incorrect. Check with the DBA or the equivalent specialist at your installation.
Explanation: The key field of the segment being loaded is out of sequence.
Programmer Response: Check the segment and determine where it should be loaded.
Explanation: No parent has been loaded for the segment being loaded.
Programmer Response: Check the sequence of segments that have been loaded and determine where the parent should have been loaded.
Explanation: The sequence of sibling segments being loaded is not the same as the sequence that is defined in the DBD.
Programmer Response: Check the sequence of the segments that are being loaded and correct.
Explanation: IMS ignored a message insert (ISRT) call because the logical terminal referenced by the message requeuer segment is invalid.
Programmer Response: Verify the LTERM name supplied in the message requeuer segment.
Explanation: The INIT call with DBQUERY in the I/O area or the QUERY command was issued, and at least one of the databases that could be accessed using this PCB was not available.
A request made using this PCB will probably result in a BA status code if the INIT 'STATUS GROUPA' has been issued or in a DFS3303I message and 3303 pseudo abend if it has not. An exception is when the database is not available because dynamic allocation failed. In this case, a request results in an AI (unable to open) status code.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: Indexing maintenance issued a DL/I call, and the segment has not been found. This status code is included in message DFS0840I. The system console receives message DFS0840I, "INDEX ERROR (dbdname) NE (first 45 bytes of key)," and the application program receives a blank status code.
An application program could have processed a secondary index as a database and thus deleted some of the secondary index entries. Subsequently, when a source segment is deleted, the secondary index for the source statement might not be present. For this reason, when the application program deletes a source segment and the index entry is not present, the DFS0840I message is sent to the system console, but a blank status code is returned to the application program.
Programmer Response: Determine whether the secondary index has been processed as a database and, as a result, the key included in the DFS0840I message was deleted. If this is not the case, check the cause for the index inconsistency with the database and correct it.
Explanation: There is a duplicate segment in a unique secondary index. While IMS was inserting or replacing a source segment for a secondary index defined with a unique sequence field, the insertion of the secondary index segment was attempted but was unsuccessful because an index segment with the same key was found. One possible cause for a duplicate segment in the index is that the index DBD incorrectly specified a unique key value--secondary index only.
In an online application program, the call is backed out and the program receives an NI status code.
For a batch program that doesn't log to the IMS DASD log, IMS abnormally terminates the program with a U0828 abend. You should run batch backout.
For a CICS local DL/I or shared database application program, CICS abends the transaction and backs out all updates made by that logical unit of work (LUW).
Programmer Response: The response is determined by the user. If duplicate secondary index entries occur, specify the index as nonunique, and provide an overflow entry-sequenced data set.
Explanation: A BSAM or VSAM physical I/O error occurred during a database request issued by the index maintenance function.
For an online program, all updates made for the call are backed out and the application receives the NO status code. For a batch program that does not log to the IMS DASD log, IMS abnormally terminates the program with an 826 abend. Run batch backout. For CICS local DL/I or shared database programs, CICS abends the transaction and backs out all the updates made by the logical unit of work (LUW).
Programmer Response: See accompanying messages giving details of the error. In a batch environment, execute batch backout.
Explanation: An ISRT, DLET or REPL request using this PCB may result in a BA status code if the INIT STATUS GROUPA call or QUERY command has been issued or in a DFS3303I message or 3303 pseudo abend if it has not. If the unavailable database is only required for delete processing, it is possible that the ISRT and REPL requests can be processed.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: An MPP or transaction-oriented BMP issued a successful CHKP call, but the message GU call issued internally by the CHKP call was unsuccessful. There are no more messages in the queue for the program.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: The program issued a message GN, but there are no more segments for this message.
Programmer Response: Process the message.
Explanation: The program issued a message GN call before issuing a GU to the message queue. In message-driven Fast Path programs, this code applies to message calls only. This code also applies to GCMD calls in AOI programs. It means that the program issued a GCMD call before issuing a CMD call. This code is also returned when a program issues a ROLB, specifying the I/O area parameter, without having issued a successful message GU call during that commit interval.
Programmer Response: Correct the program by either:
· Issuing a GU call before the GN
· Issuing a CMD call before the GCMD
· Issuing a GU call before the ROLB
Explanation: The length of the segment is less than 5 characters. The minimum length allowed is the length of the message text plus four control characters.
Programmer Response: Correct the segment.
Explanation: There has been a terminal symbolic error. The output logical terminal name or transaction code is unknown to IMS. Some reasons for receiving this status code are:
· The program tried to insert an alternate response PCB receiving a QC status code for a GU.
· SMB or CNT could not be found.
· The program issued an ISRT call without first issuing a GU.
· The logical terminal name or transaction code specified is Fast Path exclusive and not available to this program.
· The program issued an ISRT call for a segment shorter than 5 bytes.
· The program issued an ISRT call for an SPA shorter than 6 bytes.
· The logical terminal name or transaction code has leading blanks, instead of being left-justified.
Programmer Response: Check the logical terminal name or transaction code and correct it.
Explanation: The token does not match a token for any outstanding SETS requests or the request was issued for a database PCB that did not get a BA status on the previous request.
Programmer Response: The outstanding SETS request may have been cancelled by a commit process, or an error exists in the use of the token.
Explanation: The ROLS request was rejected because the PSB contains access to a DEDB, MSDB, or GSAM organization or has access to an attached subsystem.
Programmer Response: The ROLS request is invalid in this environment. The program must either remove the use of the database organization that is preventing the use of the ROLS call or not use the ROLS call.
Explanation: The program issued a REPL that violated the replace rule for that segment.
Programmer Response: Correct the REPL, or check with the DBA or the equivalent specialist at your installation.
Explanation: On a SETS request, IMS was not able to obtain the storage space for the data in the I/O area.
Programmer Response: A larger region size is required for the job step.
Explanation: The maximum number of levels, nine, of SETS were already specified, and this request is attempting to set the tenth.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: The SETS request was rejected because the PSB contains an access to a DEDB, MSDB, or GSAM organization or has accessed an attached subsystem.
Programmer Response: The SETS request is invalid in this environment. The program must either remove the use of the database organization that is preventing the use of the SETS request, or the program must not use the SETS request.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a scheduling request. It means that the PSB named in the request is not in the PSB directory.
Programmer Response: Correct the name of the PSB in the scheduling request, or add the PSB name to the PSB directory.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a scheduling request. It means that you have already scheduled a PSB.
Programmer Response: Correct your program so that you terminate a PSB before scheduling another. If you want to reschedule a PSB, you must have already terminated the PSB.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a scheduling request. It means that the PSB could not be scheduled; an initialization error occurred.
Programmer Response: See your system programmer or DBA. For a list of possible causes for the PSB initialization error, see the description under PSBFAIL under "Invalid Request Conditions" in the chapter "CICS-DL/I Interface Return Codes" in IMS/ESA Application Programming: DL/I Calls.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a terminate request. It means that the program issued a terminate request when there was no PSB scheduled.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code. If you only wanted to terminate a PSB, you should continue with processing. If you also wanted to cause a sync point, you should issue a SYNCPOINT command. (No sync point was caused by the unsuccessful terminate request.)
This status code is returned to the application program that issued the EXEC DLI command rather than causing an abnormal termination.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a database request, or a statistics request. It means that the program attempted to access the database before scheduling a PSB.
Programmer Response: Correct your program, and schedule a PSB before accessing the database.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned after an ISRT command. It means that the ISRT command defined an invalid path to the segment. Data must be transferred for all segments between the first segment named and the last one named.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT command, specifying a FROM option for each segment to be transferred.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and can be returned after any command used by a CICS online program. It means that DL/I is not active.
Programmer Response: Contact your DBA. CICS must be reinitialized with DL/I defined as active in the SIT.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned after a scheduling request. It means that there is a conflict in scheduling intent. (This cannot occur if program isolation has been specified.)
Programmer Response: Specify program isolation in the SIT. If program isolation has not been specified, wait until the PSB is no longer in use, and reschedule it.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and can be returned after any of the commands. It means that there is an invalid SDIB. An initialization call was not made, or the system's DIB (not the application program's DIB) was overlaid.
Programmer Response: Check your program to make sure that you did not use an entry statement, as you would in a call-level batch program. Also make sure that there are no addressing errors in your program that would cause an overlay.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a REPL command. It means that there has been a path-replace error. The segments to be replaced are compared to the previous get command, and either a segment is named to be replaced that was not retrieved by the get command, or data had not been transferred (no INTO option) for this segment on the get command, or the attributes of the data to be transferred don't match the data in the database.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following any of the database commands, a LOAD command, or a statistics request. It means that the number of the PCB specified in the USING option is higher than the number of PCBs in the PSB being used; or that there is an invalid processing option. For example, the program tried to issue a LOAD command without having the L processing option specified in its PSB.
Programmer Response: Check the PSB and correct your program.
Explanation: This status code is returned when a program running in local DL/I tries to use an IOPCB.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code means that the CICS XDLIPRE exit routine returned X'04' in register 15 because the routine determined that the immediately preceding DL/I request should not be executed.
Programmer Response: Contact the CICS system programmer.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a database or statistics request. It means that the database was not open when the request was issued.
Programmer Response: Contact your database administrator or system programmer. The database can be checked and opened via operator commands.
Explanation: This status code applies to CICS online command-level programs only, and is returned following a database or statistics request. It means that the length of the retrieved segment is greater than 64 bytes.
Programmer Response: Contact your database administrator or system programmer--the database definition may require modification.
Explanation: This status code is returned for batch programs only. A checkpoint record was written to the UCF (8) journal data set. During the processing of an HD reorganization, a reload, or an initial load program under the supervision of the Utility Control Facility (UCF), a checkpoint record was written to the UCF journal data set. IMS returns this status code to indicate that the last ISRT call was correct and the initial load program may continue or it may perform a checkpointing procedure before continuing.
Programmer Response: This is an information-only status code.
Explanation: This status code is returned for batch programs only. Your initial load program is being restarted under UCF (8). The program terminated while executing under UCF. The job was resubmitted with a restart request.
Programmer Response: The program has to get itself back in step with database loading. The program uses the I/O area and the DB PCB key feedback area to do this.
Explanation: This status code is returned for batch programs only. The initial load program is about to stop processing. While processing an HD reorganization reload or user initial load program under the supervision of UCF (8), the operator replied to the WTOR from UCB and requested the current function to terminate. The last ISRT call was processed.
Programmer Response: The initial load program should checkpoint its data sets and return with a nonzero value in register 15.
Explanation: This status code is returned for batch programs only. A checkpoint record was written and processing stopped. This is a combination of UC and US status codes.
Programmer Response: See the descriptions of UC and US status codes.
Explanation: The program tried to insert or replace a variable-length segment that is too long. The length of the segment must be equal to or less than the maximum length specified in the DBD. The length must be long enough to include the entire reference field; if the segment is a logical child, it must include the entire concatenated key of the logical parent and all sequence fields for the paired segment. The program tried to delete a variable-length segment. The copy of this segment in the user's I/O area contains an invalid length field.
IMS also returns this status code when an invalid record length is specified in a GSAM call.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a database or LOAD command. It means that the segment length is missing or invalid. The segment length must be a positive integer. For variable-length segments, it is the maximum size acceptable to the program's I/O area.
Programmer Response: Check that the program translated and compiled correctly. The value of any segment length in a path command should not exceed 32K bytes, and the sum of the lengths should not exceed 64K bytes.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a get or INSERT command. It means that the field length is missing or invalid. The field length must be a positive integer, and must be specified for each field in a WHERE option.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following any of the database commands or a LOAD command. It means that the length of a variable-length segment is invalid. The LL field as provided by the program on an ISRT or REPL command, or as received in the I/O area on a Get command, exceeds the value of SEGLENGTH.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a Get, REPLACE, or INSERT command. It means the offset is invalid. The offset must be a positive integer and not greater than the segment length. than the segment length.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a Get or ISRT command using the KEYS option. It means that the concatenated key length is missing or invalid. The length of the concatenated key must be a positive integer.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: This status code applies to command-level programs only, and is returned following a STATISTICS command. It means that the statistics area length is either too small or invalid. The length must be a positive integer, and must be at least 72 bytes for unformatted statistics, 120 bytes for summary statistics, and 360 bytes for formatted statistics.
Programmer Response: Correct the program.
Explanation: The program tried to continue processing the conversation by passing the SPA to another program through a program-to-program message switch after already responding to the terminal.
Programmer Response: If a response has been sent, the SPA should be returned to IMS. Correct the program.
Explanation: The program has passed the SPA to another program but is trying to respond to the originating terminal.
Programmer Response: No response is allowed by a program that is passed control of the program through a program-to-program message switch.
Explanation: The program inserted a message that has some bits in the Z1 field set. The Z1 field is reserved for IMS.
Programmer Response: Correct the program to prevent it from setting those bits.
Explanation: IMS is terminating by a CHECKPOINT FREEZE or DUMPQ. IMS returns this code to a BMP that has issued a CHKP or SYNC call. If it is a transaction-oriented BMP, IMS does not return a message.
IMS also returns XD when a batch program issues a SYNC call.
Programmer Response: Terminate the program immediately. IMS will terminate the program abnormally if the program issues another call.
Explanation: A program tried to insert a SPA to an alternate express PCB.
Programmer Response: Regenerate the PSB and remove the EXPRESS=YES option from the PCB, or define another PCB that is not express to be used in the ISRT call.
Explanation: IMS is ignoring the ISRT call for the SPA because the specified alternate PCB had its destination set to a logical terminal but was not defined as ALTRESP=YES during PSB generation.
MSC directed routing does not support a program-to-program switch between conversational transactions.
Programmer Response: Correct the application program or change the PSB generation for that alternate PCB to specify ALTRESP=YES.
Explanation: IMS ignored the ISRT call because the current conversation requires fixed-length SPAs and the ISRT call was to a program with a different length or variable-length SPA.
Programmer Response: Correct the program or the SPA definitions.
Explanation: An error occurred during GSAM initialization or during GSAM call processing. If this status code is in the GSAM PCB before the application issued the first call, the error was detected during initialization. Possible causes are:
· Insufficient space
· Invalid DBD
· Invalid block size
· Invalid option
· Internal GSAM error
Programmer Response: A subsequent GSAM call will result in an abnormal termination of the program. The program should terminate.
Explanation: After a ROLB call, an I/O error occurred while IMS was reading the SPA from the message queue data set.
Programmer Response: Terminate the conversation.
Explanation: The first ISRT call to an alternate PCB whose destination is a conversational transaction code is not for the SPA. The SPA must be inserted with the first ISRT call.
Programmer Response: Insert the SPA, then reinsert the message segment.
Explanation: The program modified the first 6 bytes of the SPA; the SPA is now invalid.
Programmer Response: Correct the program and restore the original bytes.
Explanation: The program issued an ISRT call to pass the SPA to a nonconversational transaction code. It did this by referencing a PCB whose destination was set for the nonconversational transaction code. You can send the SPA only to transaction codes defined as conversational.
Programmer Response: Correct the ISRT call. Send only data segments.
Explanation: The program issued more than one ISRT call to send the SPA to a PCB whose destination is a transaction code.
Programmer Response: Only one SPA is allowed per message. Correct the program.
Explanation: An invalid transaction code name was inserted into the SPA.
Programmer Response: Correct the program to set the proper transaction code name.
Explanation: The length of the SPA is incorrect. The program modified the first 6 bytes.
Programmer Response: Correct the SPA and the program.
Explanation: There was a system or I/O error in attempting to queue a SPA on a transaction code PCB.
Programmer Response: Terminate the conversation.
Explanation: The program tried to insert the SPA for a program-to-program switch and the length of the SPA in the destination program is greater than the maximum SPA length defined by the SPAREA macro at IMS generation.
Programmer Response: Contact your IMS system programmer to change the size of the SPA defined in the destination program or to increase the maximum SPA length defined for the system.
Explanation: The call was completed.
Programmer Response: Proceed with processing.
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